Frequently Asked Questions


When can I expect the next IMAT exam?

The schedule for the next IMAT exam is currently unknown. We are awaiting the new ministerial decree that will regulate all associated procedures.

Are non-UE students allowed to apply?

Yes, they will. The precise number of non-UE students is yet to be confirmed, pending the release of the new ministerial decree that will address this matter.

When does the Medicine and Surgery Program at UNICT start for first-year students?

In the previous academic year, classes for first-year students commenced at the end of November. However, confirmation for the upcoming academic year is pending as we await the issuance of a new ministerial decree. We definitely hope for an earlier start.

Enrollment and Logistics

How can I inquire about "residence permit" issues?

For questions related to residence permits, please contact

Where can I find information on accommodation for students coming from outside the city?

Information on accommodation is available at this webpage. Please note that Ersu is a separate entity from UNICT. For additional details, send an email to

How do I get information about the enrollment process and required documents?

For inquiries regarding the enrollement process and required documents, please contact

Where can I find details about scholarships, including applications and criteria?

Information on scholarships can be found at this webpage. For further details, as Ersu is a different entity from UNICT, send an email to

What general information is available for international students?

General information for international students is provided here.

How can I obtain information about a bus/metro annual pass at a special price?

Information on a special-priced bus/metro annual pass is available here.


Where can I consult the educational regulations?

The educational regulations can be accessed here.

I am a late enrollee due to scrolling, what can I do to recover attendance and exams?

Please read the related answer here.