Oral pathology
Module Oral pathology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GAETANO ISOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

- Obtain the knowledge and skills for the odontostomatological, medical and surgical management of the patient suffering from odontostomatological diseases and mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district.

- Ability to diagnose the most common algic pathologies of odontogenic origin and learn the basics of their medical treatment, with the dosage of the most commonly administered drugs. Knowledge of the main methods of biopsy and cytological sampling and the preparation of the related preparations. Knowledge of the morphological and molecular basis of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases.

- Nosological classification, differential diagnosis and, in the field of preneoplastic and neoplastic pathology of the oral cavity, early diagnosis, prognostic and predictive factors. Interpretation of anatomical-pathological reports.

Course Structure

Frontal and theoretical-practical lessons.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or distance mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Achievement of the educational objectives set by the preparatory courses. Specifically, knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in the field of dentistry. Knowledge of the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district.

See also the Academic Regulations of the course of study published on the University portal:


Attendance of Lessons

Attendance obligation

Detailed Course Content

The aim of the course is to provide the student with the tools to learn to recognize, diagnose and treat the main lesions that occur on the oral mucosa. Particular emphasis will be placed on developing differential diagnosis skills between different lesions to identify those at risk of malignant transformation. The student will also have to acquire the ability to relate the oral manifestations of more complex systemic pathologies. This in order to be able to support a multidisciplinary and articulated approach aimed at the diagnosis of systemic diseases starting from oral manifestations.

The following contents will be specifically addressed:

1. Topography of the oral cavity. Peculiar features of the oral mucosa not associated with disease. Diagnostic algorithms: methods of clinical classification of structures at risk, medical records and consent.

2. Clinical semeiotics: Anamnesis, morphological classification of elementary lesions, diagnostic maneuvers

3. Biology of the oral mucosa, instrumental semeiotics: haematochemical, microbiological and immunological tests. Fundamentals of pharmacological therapy in oral medicine

4. Biopsy and cytological examination

5. Oral aphthosis, contact lesions, adverse reactions to drugs and dental materials, candidiasis

6. Angular cheilitis, actinic cheilitis

7. Oral manifestations of systemic diseases: the management of the patient with systemic diseases

8. White lesions of the oral cavity

9. Red lesions of the oral cavity and potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity

10. Bullous lesions of the oral cavity

11. Pigmented lesions. Hemangiomas and varicose veins. Gingival lesions and exophytic lesions

12. Lesions of viral origin

13. Osteonecrosis of the jaw and lesions from radiotherapy and chemotherapy

14. Oral cancer: epidemiology, etiology, clinic

15. Mucocutaneous pathologies on an immunological basis. Orofacial granulomatosis

16. Pathologies of the salivary glands and xerostomia

17. Bone lesions of the massive-facial district: cysts, odontogenic tumors, osteitis, osteomyelitis, hypertrophic lesions of the frenula

18. The laser in oral medicine, blood components

19. Craniofacial pain and oral dysesthesias. Burning Mouth Syndrome. Halitosis

Textbook Information

·         SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Patologia e Medicina Orale – EDRA Edizioni 2022

·         Regezi - Sciubba - Jordan - Patologia orale - Correlazioni clinico patologiche, Delfino Edizioni 2018

·         SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Patologia e Medicina Orale – EDRA Edizioni 2022 ·Patologie bianche e rosse dei tessuti molliEDRA2022

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Oral mouth anatomySIPMO Medicina Orale
2Oral BiopsiesRegezi - Sciubba - Jordan - Patologia orale - Correlazioni clinico patologiche, Delfino Edizioni 2018

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

At the end of the course the student will have to take an oral exam which will focus on the topics related to the integrated course program. In the assessment, in addition to knowledge and learning ability, independent judgment and communication skills will be taken into consideration.

The test allows to verify: i) the level of knowledge of the main pathological entities (inflammatory and tumoral); ii) the ability to apply this knowledge for differential diagnosis; iii) clarity of presentation; iv) the property of medical-scientific language.

The test is considered passed with a minimum vote of 18/30 topics of the program.

For the attribution of the final grade, the following parameters will be taken into account:

Mark 29-30 cum laude: the student has an in-depth knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able promptly and correctly to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, autonomously solving even highly complex diagnostic problems; he has excellent communication skills and masters the medical-scientific and dental language.

Grade 26-28: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical and linear way, is able to solve complex diagnostic problems quite autonomously and explains the topics clearly using a language appropriate medical-scientific and dental;

Grade 22-25: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, even if limited to the main topics; she manages to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical but not always linear way and she explains the arguments quite clearly with a discrete property of language;

Mark 18-21: the student has minimal knowledge of the main pathological entities, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics in a sufficiently clear way although the property of language is poorly developed;

Failed exam: the student does not possess the minimum required knowledge of the main teaching contents. The ability to use the specific language is very little or none and is not able to independently apply the acquired knowledge.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

La biopsia e l’esame citologico

Aftosi orale, lesioni da contatto, reazioni avverse a farmaci e materiali dentari, candidosi

Lesioni bianche del cavo orale

Lesioni rosse del cavo orale

Cisti e tumori odontogeni

L’iter diagnostico in medicina orale

Le osteonecrosi del mascellare

Lesioni bollose, autoimmuni del cavo orale