Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: LIVIA MANZELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course develops skills in the Clinical Pathology aiming to teach the student to apply, evaluate and interpret the laboratory tests used to study of the main diseases of the blood, alterations of the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, changes in liver and kidney function, some endocrinopathies, oncological and cardiovascular diseases.

1. Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course, students will acquire the knowlodge of the main laboratory tests to the study the blood diseases, the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, liver and kidney function alterations andsome endocrinopathies.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: once the knowledge of the main laboratory tests has been acquired, the students will be able to evaluate and interpret the aforementioned tests.

3. Making judgments: through the executions, the students will be able, independently, to apply, evaluate and interpret different laboratory tests.

4. Communication skills: the student will acquire the necessary communication skills within the main laboratory tests.

5. Learning skills: the aim of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge to autonomously interpret the main laboratory tests.

Course Structure

Lessons are held in the classroom with the help of PDF presentations made available to students on the Studium portal. The presentations do not replace the reference texts, but serve as educational support for the program carried out. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.  


Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of biochemistry, cell biology, anatomy, physiology and human pathophysiology.

Attendance of Lessons

Compulsory attendance of at least 70% of the total hours of frontal lessons is required, with possible participation in courses and internships at clinical and molecular analysis laboratories enabled and equipped for practical / operational teaching.

Detailed Course Content

1. Laboratory analysis: generalities and fundamental principles

2. The laboratory in haematological diseases: blood count, anemia and haemo-coagulation

3. The laboratory in carbohydrate diseases - diabetes

4. The laboratory in lipid diseases and cardiovascular diseases

5. plasma proteins and electrophoresis

6. The laboratory in liver diseases

7. Tumoral Markers

8. Laboratory medicine in the evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluid

9. The laboratory in autoimmune diseases

10. Urine analysis and functional kidney test

Textbook Information

1. Federici G. Medicina di Laboratorio. Mc Graw-Hill Companies

2. Ciaccio M., Lippi G. Biochimica clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. EdiSES

3. Antonozzi I. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin

4. Bergamini et. al. Medicina di laboratorio

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Laboratory tests: generalities and fundamental principles.testo1:capitolo 1; testo 2 capitoli: 1-4
2The laboratory in haematological diseases: blood count, anemia and hemo-coagulationtesto 1: capitolo 2; testo 2: capitolo 11
3The laboratory in carbohydrate diseases - diabetestesto 1: capitolo 8 testo 2 capitoli 22-24
4The laboratory in lipid diseases and cardiovascular diseasestesto 1: capitolo 9; testo 2 capitolo 10
5The laboratory in liver diseasesttesto 1: capitolo 7; testo 2: capitoli 7 e 8
6Molecular markerstesto 1: capitolo 15; testo 2: capitolo 28, 29
7Laboratory medicine in the evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluidtesto 1: capitolo 18; testo 2: capitoli 30, 34
8Autoimmune Diseases Diagnosticstesto 2: capitolo 31e presentazione PDF
9Plasma proteins and electrophoresistesto 2 capitolo 8 e presentazione in PDF della lezione
10The laboratory for impaired renal function - urinalysistesto 1: capitolo 6: testo 2: capitoli 15, 16

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The test consists of an interview in which 2-3 questions will be asked that deal with at least 2-3 different topics of the program. The test allows to verify: i) the level of knowledge of the program topics; ii) the ability to apply this knowledge in dealing with specific clinical situations; iii) clarity of presentation; iv) the property of medical-scientific language.

For the attribution of the final grade, the following parameters will be taken into account:

 Grade 29-30 with honors: the student has a thorough knowledge of the required topics, is able to promptly and correctly integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, autonomously solving even highly complex problems; has excellent communication skills and masters medical-scientific language.

Grade 26-28: the student has a good knowledge of the required topics, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical and linear way, is able to solve complex problems independently and presents the arguments clearly using medical language. appropriate scientific;

Grade 22-25: the student has a fair knowledge of the required topics, even if limited to the main topics; she succeeds in integrating and analyzing in a critical but not always linear way the situations presented and she exposes the arguments quite clearly with a discrete property of language;

Grade 18-21: the student has the minimum knowledge of the required topics, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics in a sufficiently clear way although the language properties are not very developed;

Failed exam: the student does not have the minimum required knowledge of the main teaching contents. The ability to use language

specific is very little or zero and is unable to independently apply the knowledge acquired.

 The final mark is given by the weighted average of the marks obtained in the 3 modules.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

blood count, protidogram, coagulation indices, diabetes, urinalysis, transaminases, autoimmune diseases, tumor markers, cardiac markers, cerebrospinal fluid.