Restorative dentistry
Module Operative dentistry

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: EUGENIO PEDULLA'

Expected Learning Outcomes

• Discuss aspects related to biomechanics and reconstruction of devitalized teeth in relation to the endodontic treatment performed or to be performed;
• discuss restorative problems in devitalized teeth;
• analyze direct and indirect restoration techniques with and without pins;
• relate the type of restoration to the type of endodontic filling;
• understand the reason for the pre-endodontic restoration;
• treat the issue of internal whitening prevention of clinical failures.

At the end, the student will be able to understand the issues discussed and operate the post-endodontic restoration choices independently.

Course Structure

Lectures, clinical case simulation, seminars.

Required Prerequisites

In-depth knowledge of macroscopic dental anatomy. Knowledge of caries and of the main materials and techniques of conservative restoration. Knowledge of dentinal enamel adhesives.

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory: at least 70% of the lessons actually completed

Detailed Course Content

• Biomechanics and restorative problems and reconstruction of devitalized teeth
• Direct and indirect techniques of coronal reconstruction with and without stud
• Pre and post-endodontic restoration
• Prevention of endodontic and restorative failure
• Internal bleaching: indications and limits, materials and execution techniques

Textbook Information

  • F. Brenna: Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Procedure di trattamento e prospettive future. Elsevier Ed., Milano
  • I.Rotstein, J. Ingle: “INGLE’S Endodontics 7” PMPHUSA 2019

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Restauro pre- e post- endodontico I.Rotstein, J. Ingle: “INGLE’S Endodontics 7” PMPHUSA 2019
2Sbiancamento interno: indicazioni e limiti, materiali e tecniche di esecuzione I.Rotstein, J. Ingle: “INGLE’S Endodontics 7” PMPHUSA 2019
3Tecniche di ricostruzione coronale con e senza perno, dirette e indiretteF. Brenna: Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Procedure di trattamento e prospettive future. Elsevier Ed., Milano

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Risultato di traduzione

1) Mid-term practical exam on extracted teeth to be performed during practical exercises. 

2) Oral exam to be taken only if you have: obtained at least 70% attendance as well as passed the mid-term practical exam on practical exercises.

The following parameters will e taken into account for the attribution of the final grade:

Score 29 - 30 cum laude: the student has an in-depth knowledge of the anatomy and the main post-endodontic restoration techniques, is able to promptly and correctly integrate and critically analyze the clinical situations presented, solving even highly complex diagnostic and therapeutic problems; has excellent communication skills and masters restorative language.

Score 26 - 28: the student has a good knowledge of the anatomy and the main endodontic techniques, is able to integrate and critically analyze the clinical cases presented, to solve complex diagnostic problems quite independently by exposing the topics clearly with a appropriate restorative.

Score 22 - 25: the student has a fair knowledge of anatomy and the main endodontic techniques, even if limited to the main topics; she manages to integrate and analyze the clinical cases presented even if not in a linear and consequential way. The student explains the arguments quite clearly with a good command of restorative language.

Score 18 - 21: the student has a minimal knowledge of anatomy and the main post-endodontic restoration techniques, a modest ability to integrate and analyze the clinical cases presented and presents the topics in a sufficiently clear way with poorly developed language skills restorative.

Exam not passed: the student does not have the minimum required knowledge of the main contents of the course. The ability to use specific restorative language is poor or non-existent, furthermore he is not able to independently apply the knowledge acquired.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Post-endodontic restoration: materials, techniques, cad/cam;


Walking bleaching: materials, technique and times.