Stomatologic disciplines III
Module Professional training - Pedodontics

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ANTONINO LO GIUDICE

Expected Learning Outcomes

Practical training for performing an appropriate visit and drafting pedodontic medical records. Knowledge and differential diagnosis of pathologies of the stomatognathic system in the developmental age. Choice and interpretation of specific diagnostic tools for the various oral pathologies. Performing conservative dental therapies, interceptive orthodontic therapies, and minor oral surgery.

Course Structure

Practical activity performed on patients of the Dental Clinic: execution of impressions of the dental arches, practical compilation of pedodontic medical records, application of mobile and fixed interceptive orthodontic appliances under teacher’supervision.

Required Prerequisites

Preparatory exams

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory, as per Dental School regulations. Professional training in small groups carried out on patients

Detailed Course Content

Clinical examination of the oral caviry and related structures


Anamnesis and physical examination. Instrumental investigations - radiographic examinations.


Compilation of pedodontic medical records.


Analysis of radiological examinations in pediatric dentistry


Dental caries prevention and conservative therapy of deciduous and permanent teeth.


Traumas and fractures of the teeth and supporting tissues


Pediatric orthodontics


Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents

Textbook Information

Polimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson

Angus C. Cameron, Richard P. Widmer. Manuale di Pedodonzia / Masson Editore, Milano

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Pediatric OrthodonticsPolimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson
2Trauma and fractures of dentition and supporting tissuesAngus C. Cameron, Richard P. Widmer. Manuale di Pedodonzia / Masson Editore, Milano 
3Dental caries prevention and conservative therapy of deciduous and permanent teeth.Polimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson 
4Compilation of pedodontic medical records.Polimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson 
5Analysis of radiological examinations in pediatric dentistryPolimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson 
6Temporo-mandibular disorders in children and adolescentsPolimeni A. Odontoiatria Pediatrica / Edra Masson 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Internship in small groups, with a limit of six students per group. At the end of the educational stage, public oral examination aiming to ascertain the quality and level of knowledge and the understanding of the contents of the course and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge into the clinical practice. The judgment will also evaluate the quality of the student's participation in the lessons

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Diagnosis and treatment planning of malocclusions in the pediatric age


Trauma and fractures of the teeth and of the supporting tissues


Prevention, diagnosis and conservative therapy of deciduous and permanent teeth