Respiratory Tract Diseases, General Pathology and Microbiology
Module Respiratory Tract Diseases

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: LUCIA SPICUZZA

Expected Learning Outcomes

 Functions and Organization of the Respiratory System. Diagnostic procedures and respiratory functional evaluation. Pathogenesis and clinical aspects of the main respiratory diseases. 

Course Structure

Lessons with slides presentation

Detailed Course Content

Respiratory physiology and functional testing 

Changes in respiratory phisiology during pregnanciese

Acute and chronic respiratory diseases during pregnancy


Textbook Information


Rugarli C. Medicina Interna sistematica- Masson Ed

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Fisiopatologia e meccanismi di difesa del polmone
2Patologiche croniche ostruttive
3Patologie infettive dell'apparato respiratorio
4Patologie interstiziali
5Insufficienza respiratoria