Gynecology, obstetrical Nursing and Neonatology
Module General and Specialistic Pediatrics

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Manuela Clementina Maria CARUSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim of this teaching course is to provide knowledges on physiology of the newborn and on the  physiopathological mechanism behind specific conditions and the main neonatal diseases which may need midwife assistance, students will acquiretherothical basis required to develop adequate practical skills in order to recognize these conditions and to be able to provide assistance in collaboartion with the dedicated team

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respectto previous statement, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content

the newborn; adaptation to extrauterine life, physiological events in the newborn; auxological evaluation of the newborn; birth trauma; neonatal screening,neonatal jaundice, neonatal asphyxia, neonatal respiratory distress, congenital hypothyroidism, PKU, cistic fibrosis, DSD

Textbook Information

Pediatria per le Professioni Sanitarie. Perrone,Esposito,Grano. Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi

-Elementi essenziali di pediatria per i corsi triennali. Zuccotti. Editore Esculapio

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Adattamento feto-neonatale alla vita extrauterinaPediatria per le Professioni Sanitari. Perrone,Esposito, Grano. Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi
2Valutazione e assistenza al neonato
3Cenni di rianimazione neonatale
4Screening neonatali ( e nozioni principali su fibrosi cistica, fenilchetonuria e ipotiroidismo congenito)
5Principali disturbi metabolici nel neonato: ipoglicemia, ipocalcemia
6Difetti della differenziazione sessuale
7Principali patologie specifiche del neonato: asfissia e quadri patologici correlati; ittero neonatale; malattia emolitica del neonato; sindrome da distress respiratorio
9La sindrome feto-alcolica
10Alimentazione nel primo anno di vita