Respiratory Tract Diseases, General Pathology and Microbiology
Module Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Guido SCALIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Acquisition of basic knowledge of microbiology; understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms of germs; diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prophylaxis of infections; evaluation of infections that can specifically affect women, especially during pregnancy; identifications of possible microbial agents underlying infertility in couples

Course Structure

Lectures as by schedule of the course
Attendance at visits for the diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases responsible for congenital diseases.

Detailed Course Content

Principles of microbiology: structure, reproduction, pathogenesis and pathology of the main infectious agents; sampling systems for a correct diagnosis; direct and indirect diagnosis of infections; genital tract infections; vertical transmission infections: prevention diagnosis and treatment; congenitally infected newborn: prevention diagnosis and treatment.

Textbook Information

  1. Antonelli, Clementi, Pozzi, Rossolini : Principi di Microbiologia medica – Ed. Ambrosiana
  2. La Placa : Principi di Microbiologia Medica – Ed. Esculapio
  3. Jawetz, Melnick, Adelberg’s: Microbiologia medica – Ed. Piccin
  4. Sherris: Microbiologia Clinica, Ed. EMSI
  5. Murray: Microbiologia Clinica - Ed. Elsevier

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Microbiologia Generale1 Sez. A capp. 1-9; Sez B capp. 34-39;Sez. C cap. 71; cap. 74 d-1
2Microbiota vaginale 1 Sez. A Cap. 10
3Batteriologia Speciale1 Sez. A capp. 13, 14,16, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29
4Virologia speciale1 Sez. B capp. 40, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 63, 64,65
5Micologia speciale1 Sez. C cap. 72
6Parassitologia speciale1 Sez. D D-20, D-11
7Infezioni In gravidanzaDispense AMCLI da Studium
8CervicitiDispense AMCLI da Studium
9VulvovaginitiDispense AMCLI da Studium