Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: DAVIDE BARBAGALLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide an adequate preparation for the understanding of the basic notions of modern Cellular and Molecular Biology. At the end of the module the student will acquire the basic notions on the structure and function of specific cellular systems, as well as on the mechanisms underlying the flow of genetic information necessary to "make" and "make work" a cell. The learning of these notions will therefore make clear to the student the mechanisms of transition from the genotype to the molecular and cellular phenotype, both in physiological and pathological conditions.

Course Structure


If the teaching is given in mixed mode or at a distance, the necessary variations may be introduced with respect to what was previously declared, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

Information for students with disabilities and/or ASD To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can request a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensative measures, based on educational objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or DSA) contact person of competence.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge on the structure and function of the main biological macromolecules and on cellular informational metabolism

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory, according to the frequency percentages dictated by the CdL regulations

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the course: meaning of Biology and its fields of application. Organic macromolecules of biological interest: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cellular organization. The cell membrane: structure and mechanisms of transport. DNA, chromatin and chromosomes. Structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes. Transcription in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Translation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. DNA duplication in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Mitosis and Meiosis. Point and chromosomal mutations. Stem cells and iPSCs. Oncogenes, tumor suppressors and cancer.

Textbook Information

1.   Biologia e Genetica. G. De Leo, S. Fasano, E. Ginelli. Ed. EdiSES


2.   Fondamenti di biologia e genetica. Riccardo Pierantoni, Gilda Cobellis, Rosaria Meccariello. Ed. EdiSES


3.   Elementi di biologia e genetica. David Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller. Ed. Zanichelli. Ultime edizioni disponibili


4.   Biologia. Solomon Eldra P., Martin, Berg L. Ed. Edises

G. De Leo, S. Fasano, E. GinelliBiologia e GeneticaEdiSES2020
Riccardo Pierantoni, Gilda Cobellis, Rosaria MeccarielloFondamenti di Biologia e GeneticaEdiSES2019
David Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig HellerElementi di biologia e geneticaZanichelli2019
Solomon Eldra P., Martin, Berg LBiologiaEdises2017

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to the course: meaning of Biology and its fields of applicationText 1. Chapter 1
2Organic macromolecules of biological interest: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acidsText 1. Chapter 1
3Eucariotic and procaryotic cellular organizationText 1. Chapter 2
4The cell membrane: structure and transport mechanismsText 1. Chapter 5
5DNA, chromatin and chromosomesText 2. Chapter 10
6Structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genesText 2. Chapter 15
7Transcription in eukaryotes and prokaryotesText 1. Chapter 4
8Translation in eukaryotes and prokaryotesText 1. Chapter 4
9DNA duplication in eukaryotes and prokaryotesText 1. Chapter 4
10Mitosis and MeiosisText 1. Chapter 7
11Point and chromosomal mutationsText 1. Chapter 10
12Stem cells and iPSCsMaterial provided by the teacher
13Oncogenes, tumor suppressors and cancerText 1. Chapter 13

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam.

The assessment of learning can also be carried out remotely, if the conditions require it

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions are designed to ascertain the student's reasoning in the biological field (eg :: differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular organization; mutations: causes and effects; etc ...).

Examples of questions during the oral exam: Structure and functions of the plasma membrane Transport mechanisms across the plasma membrane Biological significance and classification of mutations Point mutations and their classification Phenotypic effect of a substitution mutation Meiosis and its biological significance Biological importance of crossing over Biological significance of splicing