Basic dental principles

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GAETANO ISOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The dental student must be able to distinguish the characteristics of health and oral diseases and the risk conditions of adult and pediatric patients. The aim of this course is also to acquire the student's ability to possess knowledge on dental prevention techniques and systems and to gain ability in the clinical application. The student must acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills for home and professional oral hygiene.

In particular, the student will have in-depth knowledge regarding the etiopathogenetic factors of bacterial plaque, calculus, caries, and periodontal pathology. The dental student must also develop knowledge in the field of oral and periodontal diagnostics and instrumentation aimed at maintaining oral hygiene.

Course Structure

Classroom-taught lessons and lectures. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus. Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

Achievement of the educational objectives set by the preparatory courses. Specifically, knowledge of pathophysiology in the field of odontostomatology related to dental hygiene. Knowledge of the pathogenesis and preclinical aspects of mucosal and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district.

See also the Academic Regulations of the course of study published on the University portal:

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at compulsory lessons. Maximum tolerability of absences of 30% as per the regulation of the didactic order.

Detailed Course Content

Specific teaching objectives

  • Elements of anatomy and oral physiology
  • Communication with the patient aimed at motivating oral hygiene. Health Promotion on Food, Oral Hygiene, Periodic Controls, Fluoroprophylaxis.
  • Knowledge of dental and periodontal instruments, it's management and reordering, use techniques, knowledge of cross infection control systems.
  • Outlines of etiology, pathogenesis and the most prevalent forms of periodontal disease. Recognition of clinical and radiographic parameters of major diagnostic interest. Basic concepts and advanced procedures related to non-surgical periodontal instrumentation.
  • Elements of anatomy, histology and periodontal microbiology - The biofilm
  • Professional oral hygiene techniques: Causal therapy in periodontology: objectives, tools, and techniques of employment.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the diagnostic and prognostic parameters recorded in the periodontal portfolio
  • Work ergonomics and operator positions
  • Radiological morphology and radiological anatomy: detection of recessions, forceps, dental mobility
  • Classification and use of mechanical instruments, mechanism of action and technique of use.
  • Periodontal probing techniques and use of the periodontal probe, detection of irregularities of the root surface using the Explorer probe, detection of furcations using the Nabers deputed probe; Integration of clinical and radiological data
  • Periodontal debridement techniques with manual tools
  • Periodontal instruments with mechanical instruments: sonic and ultrasonic instruments; mechanism of action; instrumentation technique.
  • The motivation for oral hygiene in adults and children
  • Oral hygiene items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, interdental tools, and brushing techniques
  • Plaque control chemicals: periodontal mouthwashes and gels
  • Instrumentation: scaling and polishing
  • Adjuvant agents in the non-surgical periodontal therapy
  • Dentinal hypersensitivity: clinical diagnostic and therapeutic approach
  • Information and motivation of the patient at home oral hygiene Information and motivation of the patient for professional oral hygiene
  • Cary pathology in the child and the adult etiopathogenetic aspects

Textbook Information

  • J. Lindhe, T. Karring, N.P. Lang, Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale - 6a ed. Edi Ermes 2016.
  • Valletta-Bucci-Matarasso, Odontostomatologia.  Edizioni Piccin 1998.
  • E. M. Wilkins, La Pratica Clinica dell'Igienista Dentale. Edizioni Piccin, Padova, 2000. 
  • L. Strohmenger, R. Ferro, Odontoiatria di comunità. Edizioni Masson, Milano, 2003.
  • F. Gombos, R. Serpico, Clinica Odontoiatrica e Stomatologica - Testo-atlante a colori di patologia e medicina orale per medici e odontoiatri. Edizioni Piccin, 2006.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1- Conoscenza dello strumentario odontoiatrico e parodontale, della sua gestione e riordino, delle tecniche di utilizzo, conoscenza dei sistemi di controllo delle infezioni crociate.J. Lindhe, T. Karring, N.P. Lang, Parodontologia clinica ed implantologia orale – 6a ed. Edi Ermes 2016
2- Tecniche di igiene orale professionale: La terapia causale in parodontologia: obiettivi, strumentario e tecniche di impiegoJ. Lindhe, T. Karring, N.P. Lang, Parodontologia clinica ed implantologia orale – 6a ed. Edi Ermes 2016
3- Informazione e motivazione del paziente all’igiene orale domiciliare Informazione e motivazione del paziente all’igiene orale professionaleOdontostomatologia. Valletta-Bucci-Matarasso Ed. Piccin 1998
4- Gli agenti coadiuvanti nella terapia parodontale non-chirurgicaJ. Lindhe, T. Karring, N.P. Lang, Parodontologia clinica ed implantologia orale – 6a ed. Edi Ermes 2016

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

At the end of the course the student will have to take an oral exam which will focus on the topics related to the integrated course program. In the assessment, in addition to knowledge and learning ability, independent judgment and communication skills will be taken into consideration.

The test allows to verify: i) the level of knowledge of the main gingival diseases; ii) the ability to apply this knowledge for the differential diagnosis of hard and soft tissue diseases of infectious origin; iii) clarity of presentation; iv) the property of medical-scientific language.

The test is considered passed with a minimum vote of 18/30 topics of the program.

For the attribution of the final grade, the following parameters will be taken into account:

Mark 29-30 cum laude: the student has an in-depth knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able promptly and correctly to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, autonomously solving even highly complex diagnostic problems; he has excellent communication skills and masters the medical-scientific and dental language.

Mark 26-28: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical and linear way, is able to solve complex diagnostic problems in a fairly autonomous way and explains the topics clearly using a appropriate medical-scientific and dental;

Mark 22-25: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, even if limited to the main topics; she manages to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical but not always linear way and she explains the arguments quite clearly with a discrete property of language;

Mark 18-21: the student has minimal knowledge of the main pathological entities, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics in a sufficiently clear way although the property of language is poorly developed;

Failed exam: the student does not possess the minimum required knowledge of the main teaching contents. The ability to use the specific language is very little or none and is not able to independently apply the acquired knowledge.